Volume 18, number 1, 2024. Print version and published papers:

Regular papers:


Copy citation: P. Asigri, E. A. Frimpong, E. K. Anto, D. Kwegyir, F. B. Effah, Enhanced Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimization using Adaptive Diversity Tuning and Levy Flights, Carpathian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 7-35, 2024, https://doi.org/10.34302/CJEE/TKYD3692.

Peter ASIGRI, Emmanuel Asuming FRIMPONG, Emmanuel Kwaku ANTO, Daniel KWEGYIR, Francis Boafo EFFAH, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana, pasigri@knust.edu.gh, eafrimpong.soe@knust.edu.gh, kwakuantoh@yahoo.com, daniel.kwegyir@knust.edu.gh, fbeffah.coe@knust.edu.gh

Keywords: Multi-objective Optimization, Grey Wolf Optimizer, Adaptive Population Diversity, Levy Flight

Abstract: This study proposes an enhanced Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimizer (MOGWO) using adaptive population diversity tuning and levy flight theories (EMOGWO-ADTLF). It addresses the issues of parameter tunning by balancing exploration and exploitation. Using MATLAB and Python library Pymoo, the study implemented and evaluated the performance of EMOGWO-ADTLF using multi-objective test problems. The results were compared to high-performing algorithms like MOGWO, Non-Dominated Sorting Grey Wolf Optimizer (NSGWO), Dynamic Chaos MOGWO (DCMOGWO), Multi-Objective Mayfly Algorithm (MMA), Multi-Objective Antlion Algorithm (MOALO) and Multi-Objective Dragonfly Algorithm (MODA). In this work, inverted generational distance (IGD) and hypervolume (HV) were the metrics used to measure the performance of algorithms. The metrics measure the diversity, coverage, and spread of solutions. The results obtained showed the potency of EMOGWO-ADTLF in approximating the Pareto fronts. It ranks first in overall average scores in IGD and HV, with total rank scores of 17 and 18, respectively.


Copy citation: I. L. Alexandrescu, I. M. Alexandrescu, Pulse, Blood Oxygen and Body Temperature Measurement System with Internet Data Monitoring. Construction, Installation, Configuration System Programming, Carpathian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 36-51, 2024, https://doi.org/ 10.34302/CJEE/PNLK5679.

Ioana Laura ALEXANDRESCU, Ioan Marius ALEXANDRESCU, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ioana.laura.alexandrescu@gmail.com, Ioan.alexandrescu@imtech.utcluj.ro

Keywords: pulse, blood oxygen level, microcontroller, body temperature, pulse, programming, system installation

Abstract: The vision of creating this device was to ease the work of the people who would be responsible for the physical recording of the temperature of the people in an enclosure or a specific space, such as a medical office, for example, the pulse and the amount of oxygen in the blood by replacing the human resource with a device that takes all three with the help of sensors and not only that, it sends the data taken by them to some tables in the related database, after which it creates statistical graphs with them. Pulse, blood oxygen and body temperature measurement system with internet data monitoring has in the component sensors MLX90614 for remote body temperature recording, sensor that was connected to ESP32 microcontroller, using I2C communication protocol and MAX30100, which I used to measure pulse and blood oxygen level (SpO2), being connected to another microcontroller, Arduino Uno, also via I2C. What has been measured is displayed on an LCD2004, and the data is transmitted wireless to the local server, in the database created in MySQL.


Copy citation: J. R. Sutter, J. N. Nderu and A. M. Mutegi, Voltage Profile Improvement with Application of Differently Optimized FACTS Controllers, Carpathian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 52-73, 2024, https://doi.org/ 10.34302/CJEE/SQTJ4961.

Joel R. SUTTER, John N. NDERU and Ariel M. MUTEGI, The School of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (SEEIE), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya, joelruttosutter@gmail.com, adjainderugac@gmail.com, arielmutegi@yahoo.com

Keywords: Algorithm, FACTS, voltage profiles, tuning, constrained optimal power flow, power system parameters, power transients, real and reactive power control

Abstract: This research work presents a novel individual and Hybrid MGA and IGWO was utilized to develop FACTS-controlled optimization model for improvement of bus voltage profiles. The algorithm simultaneously solved the objective problem and augments device parameters as it searches for the best FACTS location and sizes. Objective function was resolved Security Constrained Optimal Load Flow (SCOLF) with the integration FACTS power electronics controllers for TTC without violating active and reactive power generation confines, voltage boundaries, line flow limits, and FACTS devices operation restrictions and ratings. TCSC controller parameters have been effectively optimized for the research and the work has been successfully carried out on MATLAB platform using IEEE 30-bus test bus systems. Power system procedures and parameters can be augmented using artificial intelligence techniques like ANN, ANFIS, Fuzzy Logic, DEPSO and MGA together with power electronics built versatile and highly adaptable Flexible AC Transmission Systems controllers. FACTS normalize voltage or control the power that is either added into or absorbed from the system. They enhance the overall grid capacity and performance. They also increase the dependability and efficiency of power systems. Apart from alleviating power transients, FACTS provide greater system real and reactive control.