For the publishing of each article, it is read by the redaction team, to verify if all the instructions are followed and to verify if the article is well placed, regarding the thematic. After that, each article is seen by two scientific reviewers. If one of the referents, or both of them, has observations, the article is resend to the author for the appropriate modification. If the article is rejected for publication, by at least one of the referents, it will not be published. The overall process will be finalized by the Editor in Chief. The total elapsed time between submission and publishing is approx. 75 days. The reviewing process is double-blind: the reviewers do not not know who the manuscript author(s) is and the author(s) does not know who have reviewed the manuscript.

  • If you are a CJEE reviewer and you accepted to perform a review for an assigned paper, following the Copyright statement and the Ethics and malpractice statement, please download, fill and return to the CJEE reviewer’s report.
  • If you have a PhD and expertise in areas covered by CJEE, you can join CJEE as reviewer. For this, please download, complete, sign and return the Become a CJEE reviewer form along with your brief CV to After three reviewed articles you’ll received an invitation to become a member of the CJEE Scientific board.

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